Patch 1.06
- Character: Armor Display Bug of 1.05 fixed
- Fights: Improved Arena Assignment
- Dungeons:Light position improved
- Fights: Prevent Spell overcasting (exception: Ignifaxius)
- Fights: Fix Spellcost
- Character: Parry updated
- Travel: Fixed faulty Events freezing journey
- Travel: Fixed encounter positions
- Fights: Fix Initiative Display and Order
- Thorwal: Replaced NPCs
- House Scenes: Modified, replaced NPCs
- Fights: Deactivated ActionCam
- Fights: Activated Spell Chain and Menacle
- Fights: Activated Spell Be My Friend
- Fights: Activated Spell Evil Eye
- Fights: Activated Spell Great Confusion
- Fights: Activated Spell Horriphobus
- Fights: Activated Spell Astral Theft
- Fights: Activated Spell Somnigravis
- Fights: Activated Spell Mad Dance
- Fights: Activated Spell Clarum Purum
- Fights: Activated Spell Falcon’s Vision
- Fights: Activated Spell Plumbumbarum
- Fights: Activated Spell Bane of Fire
- Fights: Activated Spell Paralyse
- Fights: Flee Battle activated
- Fights: Parry reactivated
- Fights: Greatly increased visual battle feedback
- Fights: Character Movement improved
- Villages: NPCs replaced in all towns... Ala, Angbodirtal, Aryn. Auplog. Bodon, Breida, Brendhil,
- Clanegh, Daspota, Efferdun, Einsiedlersee, Fähre Angbodirtal, Felsteyn, Fähre Tjoila, Groenvelden,
- Guddasunden, Hjallander Hof, Hjalsingor, Kord, Kravik, Liskor, Ljasdahl, Manrin, Merske, Nordvest,
- Oberorken, Orkanger, Orvil, Ottarje, Overthorn, Peilinen, Phexcaer, Prem, Rovamund, Rovik, Rukian,
- Runinshaven, Rybon, Serske, Skelelle, Skjal, Thorwal, Thoss, Tjanset, Tjoila, Treban, Tyldon,
- Vaermhagen, Vidsand, Vilnheim
- Locations: Tavern new
- Locations: Tempel new
- Blacksmith: New Anvil-Sound
- Game Start: Welcome message (will also trigger in existing Games in every Temple of Thorwal)
- Mainquest: Swafnild Egilsdotter harbour trigger fixed
- Character: ST-Bonus Damage Accumulation fixed
- Character: Fixed prssing “C” showing Quest- AND Inventory Screen
- User Interface: Made ShowInventory and ShowQuestbook Buttons toggle their respective windows
- Thorwal: Armory 30D Credit activated
- Character: Payment Bug fixed
- Market: Fixed Text Bug
- System: Black Screen after intro fixed
Patch 1.07
- Character: Fix hang for All negative attributes mined
- Character: Recalculate Armor mali on Levelup
- Trade: Fix free Healers
- Tavern: Fix wrong dialogs Branches
- System: Performance Setting impact vastly improved
- Towns: Improved Animations of the new NPCs
- Dungeon: Fix Old Bailey Quest
- Dungeon: Fix empty chests in spidercave (only works with new games as chest status resides in Savegame after first entrance)
- Camp:: Waterskin refill fixed
- Dungeon: Fix pirate cave door
- Camp: Fix Savegame Time forward
- Towns: Add “Master Dramosh” in front of Old Bailey
- Towns: Leave House Tooltip fixed
- Questbook: Actually hide Hidden quests
- Townmap Rybon fixed
- System: Fixed Save/Load-Game-Error on with new Characters, old Savegames should work again
Patch 1.08
- Character: Fix missing class restrictions
- Character Fix weapon damage display
- Character: Fix magic item bonus
- Character: Fix twohanded restrictions
- Fight: Fix throwing weapon usage
- Character: Animations updated
- Fight: NPCs flee scene
- Villages: some Markets updated
- Item: Fixed ST-Bel
- Fight: Fixed Opponent Portraits
Patch 1.11
- We skipped Version 1.09 and 1.10 for organisational reasons
- Travel: Events Varnhome -> Daspota and Ottarje -> Daspota fixed
- Travel: Random event handling improved
- Event: Temple of the Nameless One event fixed
- Travel-Map: Highlight of known Quest locations
- Dialog: Frenja Jandasdotter fixed
- Quest: Gorah fixed
- Fight: Fix variable Spellrange for negative Skill values
- Fight: Spell Strength selection fixed
- Towns: Thorwal objects fixed
- Towns: Guddasunden fixed flying NPCs
- Towns: Armory rechecked, should work now for new Hetman missions
- Towns: Daspota Vend Vendarrson fixed
- Towns: Markets fixed
- Dungeon: Activated Mine of Prem
- Dungeon: Activated Mine of Upper Orken
- Dungeon: made Nameless One reachable again
- Character: Levelup negative attribute fixed
- Character: NPC Animations fixed
- Items: Tinderbox is now usable with Torch and Lamp
- Dungeons: now require an active Lightsource (lighted and equipped Torch or Lamp, active Light in the Darkness spell)
Patch 1.12 - 1.13
New Fight opponents
- Spiders added
- Steppe Dog added
- Grimwolf added
- Zombies added
- Ogres added
- Harpys added
- Monsterportraits added
Fixes and Improvements
- Different Marketbooths fixed
- Ground-Dwarf (and his beard) in front of Old Bailey fixed
- Minimaps fixed
- Fulminictus fixed
- Ignifaxius fixed
- Armory finally fixed
- Ranged and Magic Line of Sight improved
- Hitanimations improved
- Lights now go out as intended
- Bug in Loot Distribution Window autoloot fixed
- Gorah improved
- Magic without AE not possible any more
Patch 1.14
- Reactivated Postprocessing Effects on fantastic quality and reasonable effects on other qualities
- Made Motion Blur deactivated
- Item-Images update
- X at timberbox
- Character Generator: Changed Song
- Honest Jorge fixed (incl. item sale)
- Fights fixed
- Fight: Lockups should be fixed
- Final Fight black magician’s ruin Mappiece fixed
- First Staff Enchantment
- Second Staff Enchantment
- Third Staff Enchantment
- Forth Staff Enchantment
- Attributo activated
- Negative Attributes rule fixed
- Two handed weapons (Battleaxe, spears, staffs) fixed
- Inventory: Stacking broken Items fix
- Level Up fix (when drunk)
- Tavern, drinking and leaving dialog fix
- Stone arenas fixed
- Armor and Weapon Information (Trader) by tooltip
- Battle UI fix (NPC portrait)
- Battle UI sorting update
- Battle Menu fix
- Battleturn more speed
Patch 1.15
- New Music assignment
- Improved Fight Initiative display (no more overlapping images)
- Black magician’s Ruin Endfight and Chest fixed
- Usergenerated Character Images of “Jorsch” included
- Fight Action Camera reactivateable in globalsettings
- Fight Camera focuses on current Char
- Item Bonus fix
- Panicbutton Scrollbar fixed
- ESC-Menu while in Character Generation deactivated
- Doubleclick on Exit (to Skip animation) no longer clicks the button outside)
- Item Images fixed
- Lowering Negative Attributes rolls three times instead of one
- Random Bard Event unlocked
- Arrival at correct Signpost / Harbor
- Eliane Windenbek forced at the barde
- Barde appears for at least two informer tips
- Swafnild Egilsdotter can be met at harbors again
- 4th Staff Enchantment fixed
Patch 1.16
- Enemys can use magic
- Enemys can use distant attacks
- Loading city views didn't work after 1.15 -> fixed in 1.16 (reference: Patch 1.15: Hänger beim Einlaufen in den Thorwaller Hafen)
- For Mac users, character models in battle were missing -> fixed (reference: [OS X] Steam - Patch 1.15 Fehlende Helden 3D Modelle)
- Missing buttons when creating a new character / missing background -> fixed
- Character images were not saved -> fixed
- NEW: new file folder for character images. You can now import your own images (png, jpg, 256x256)
- Character
- images can be changed even after character generation by a mouseclick
- on the corresponding portrait in the character screen (-> the images
- will cycle through all specific portraits for the avatars race plus
- through all own images)
- Flyover for map buttons now work and show their helptext
- Hang(s) in combat probably fixed (please report, if further hangs occur)
Patch 1.17
- Rebalancing: Fewer Rations on Camp Foodsearch
- Enemy Vitality fix (every enemy had 20 Vitality so far)
- Daspota and other “House”-Trigger made unique
- Leaving Hyggeliks Ruin fixed
- QuickSave (F5) + QuickLoad (F6)
- Defaultresolution to 1024x768
- Default Quality to Beautiful
- Default Double assignment for c removed
- Extro fixed
- Ork-Champion fixed
- More Performance Optimizations
- Heshtot-Fix in Dragoncave
- Armory can only be entered once
- Textfix Honest Jorge
- Dragoncave Pirate fight just once
- Settings-Dialog reworked
- Volume for Voiceover
- Volume for Foodsteps
- Choice of Language
Patch 1.18
- Poisoned Weapons
- Recipes
- Alchemy
- New Options
- (de)activate Run motion blur
- Optionally reactivate Killcam
- Optionally deactivate Move to current character
- Settings for Spells don't close on Click anymore
- Ugdalf Poison Gas room fixed
- Guddasunden Update (Signpost)
- Temple Women dressed
- Thorwal new main road
- Fixed Thorwal Windmill
- Fixed Ugdalf door
- Fixed Mine of Prem dead end
- Disappearing Lamp post in Rovik fixed
- Fixed Battlearena Corners
- Stoerrebrandt fixed
- Time Usage on Staff ritual despite of error message removed
- Quicksave in Battle deactivated
- Loading on the road fixed
- Varnheim Hostel name fixed
- Confirmation when closing the Game (Window Mode)
- Prevented repositioning of Characters when selling (exploit)
- Questlog Texting and Translation fixed
- Fixed strange Loot screen behaviour (creation of Crossbows) after some battles
Patch 1.19
- OC in Thorwal
- Minimap in Thorwal
- Problem entering Houses and Camps fixed
- Hyggelik Map fixed
- Minimap Clanegh fixed
- Fixed Settings Screen
- Fixed camps
- Paralize fixed
- End Battles when all opponents are paralyzed.
- Horriphobus fixed
Patch 1.20
- Unlock Unicorn (Mainquest failsafe)
- Unlock “The dark Eye”
- Fixed Entrance Mine of Prem
- Fixed Entrance Mine of Upper Orcen
- Broken Item Sale fixed
- Credits fixed
- Reassigned Blacksmith music
- Fixed Price inflation for Markets
- Recipes fixed
- Rondra kris defined as two-handed weapon
- Fixed hang in chargen if improving mined or maxed attributes
- Fix missing scrollbar on Spells
- Fix Skeletons Ranged battle
- Orks now bear weapons
- Replaced Magic Chainmail at traders with mundone one
- Goblins unlocked
Patch 1.21
- Unlock Sabretooth tiger
- Unlock Mountain lion
- Unlock Wood gnome
- Fix ration distribution in the Camp
- Fix Mine of Prem access
- Fix Mine of Upperorcen access
- Old Bailey remove unnecessary Dex Check
- Fix disappearing stackable items
- Fix Tsa Vitality Wonder
- Fix Hesinde Wonders
- Increase Thorwal performance significantly
- Qualitylevel settings improved
- Added Dungeon sounds
- Added Dungeon icons
- Increased travel speed
- 3rd Staff Enchantment is now used consistently for climbing checks
- Improved hanging Characters in battles
- Replaced Loading screens
- Sounds for opening and closing chests
- Improved Character Weapon representation
- Added more Fighting sounds
- Made Attribute potions functional (thanks turtle)
- Gave music instruments a bonus (thanks turtle)
- Gave Robes a basic armor
- Fixed Sliders and Scrollbars
- Updated UI Framework, for better performance and some bugfixes
- Included fight message “stuck in armor”
- Release name: Realms.of.Arkania.Blade.of.Destiny.Update.v1.21-RELOADED
- Size: 1.7GB
- Links: NFO
Password: http://kactus-games.blogspot.com
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